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Bridging our Past, Present and Future - A Native Youth Round Table

Native Youth Leaders discuss Bridging Native's Past, Present and Future while sharing their insight and experiences.

December 8, 2021

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month Statement

Although the United States of America recognizes November as Native American Heritage Month, we acknowledge along with our people across Indian country that our heritage is to be honored every day.

November 20, 2021

Qualitative Needs Assessments of Urban Indian Health Programs and BH Providers

we can focus both on the strengths and resources as well as the challenges expressed by the Native workforce serving clients with mental and behavioral health disorders and their communities.

December 1, 2021

Being Brave: Grounding Ourselves in Our Ancestors' Resilience

This workshop will guide you through some grounding techniques that tap into the strength and resilience of American Indian / Alaska Native communities

January 21, 2022

Understanding American Indian Perinatal Care and Cultural Considerations

Featuring our special guest speaker: Avis Garcia, PhD, LAT, LPC, NCC, Northern Arapaho

February 15, 2022

AI/AN Mental Health: The Role of Spirituality

Please join us for our monthly MHTTC webinar series. This month's topic will be: "AI/AN Mental Health: The Role of Spirituality", featuring Ray Daw, MA, Navajo.

October 13, 2021

Motivational Interviewing within Cultural Practices: Booster Session

Review, ask questions, and receive supervision on the ways you have been practicing and implementing Motivational Interviewing in your work.

October 14, 2021

Motivational Interviewing within Cultural Practices

Featuring our special MI trainer: Kathyleen M. Tomlin PhD, LPC, LMHC, CADC III

September 9, 2021

Suicide Prevention Month: Facts and Resources on Suicide Among Native People

A fact sheet which includes data on suicide rates among Native people, as well as helpful resources on programs that are raising awareness and reducing risk among Indigenous nations.

September 23, 2021

Trauma Informed Therapy: Colonialism, Indigenous Trauma and Healing

Part 6 of our Webinar Series Featuring Avis Garcia, PhD, LAT, LPC, NCC, Northern Arapaho

July 14, 2021

Cannabis Use and Risk for Mental Illness

Featuring our special guest speaker: Ken Winters, PhD

August 11, 2021

Motivational Interviewing within Cultural Practices

Featuring our special MI trainer: Kathyleen M. Tomlin PhD, LPC, LMHC, CADC III

June 28, 2021

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